I need to label my cheeses, mainly so I know what they are when I have quite a few maturing at one time. The kind of information I want to record is the name of the cheese, the milk type (goat/cow/pastuerised/raw etc), other ingredients (seasonings or extra moulds) and a few other things about how it is finished off and of course the date it was born so I know how long it has matured. Label writers seem quite pricey so I hit on the idea of using one of those free business card offers, you get 250 cards and only pay p&p. So i spent a little time designing one which you can see below. These cards can be fastened to the maturing cheeses and included with the finished cheese taped to its wrapper or included in the box or whatever.
A few other details are included - Cheese No - just a unique incremental number for each cheese, that way i'll know how many cheeses i've made. Wrap is whatever the cheese may be wrapped in - vine leaves or anything like that. The wash is what the finished cheese is washed in - brine, cider etc and maturation indicates how many months it should be left for.