Sunday, 24 August 2008

The first three cheeses

All turned out well with the curds and whey, the first three cheeses have been produced and are standing for 24 hours to allow all the liquid whey to drain. In the picture above, left to right are Black Gold Udder (cow's milk with black pepper), Golden Udder (plain cow's milk) and Golden Garlic Udder (cow's milk with garlic and parsley). As soon as they are firm enough to hold we will be turning them. Below are a few pitures from the cheesemaking process.

Top to Bottom: Adding starter Culture to warmed milk, making the rennet solution, the finished curds and whey after 3 hours standing. The curd was scooped out into the moulds

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tasted the left over curds, they weren't that good! I'm sure the finished cheese will be better though.